A perfect base for fishing
Ardbrecknish House offers the perfect base for some of the best game and coarse fishing in Scotland. It is also one of the few places on Loch Awe offering launching facilities. Details can be obtained from Cliff Davies on 07703 112422. Coarse fishing is year-round, whilst game fishing runs from 15th March to 6th October.
Permits are now only available to purchase online from lochawe.net or ibookfishing.co.uk

Loch Awe is unrivalled for wild brown trout whether you are a beginner or a seasoned trout angler. Most fish are “pan-size” but the British record has been landed 4 times at Ardbrecknish. The current record was caught by Brian Rutland in 2002 and stands at 31lb 12 oz. Inverawe Smokery and Visitor Centre has four lochs stocked with rainbow trout. “Hugo’s Lochan” is for beginners and casting tuition. “The Hydro” “Inverawe & Lily Loch” for the more experienced www.inverawe.co.uk
The River Orchy is one of the most picturesque salmon rivers in Scotland. The salmon season runs from 11th February until 31st October and fly spin and worm are permitted. www.loch-awe.com/activities/river_orchy . Day tickets are available for salmon fishing on a mile of the River Awe. www.inverawe.co.uk
Coarse Fishing
The pike on Loch Awe are legendary with many 25lb + fish regularly caught. Most coarse anglers who come to Loch Awe are after these hard fighting predators. However, there are also perch, eels and roach.
Sea Fishing
The Argyll coastline is longer than that of France with many sea lochs penetrating far inland and hundreds of islands, large and small. The main species include cod, Pollack, mackerel, haddock, spurdog, conger eel and sea trout. Loch Etive, Loch Fynne and Loch Creran are all productive venues. www.fishing-argyll.co.uk/seafishing . Some of the largest common skate can be found between Oban and Mull and in April 2013 a fish weighing 107kg was landed. For further details regarding boat charter and skate fishing trips contact skipper Ronnie Campbell. Tel. 01631 750213
Firth of Lorn Charters also offers skate fishing and general sea angling trips for groups and individuals. Tel. 07765523699 or 07771681516
FISHX Premium Guided Fishing Tours provides an unforgettable fishing experience in Scotland! Their highly experienced and professional fishing guides will take you to some of Scotland's most prolific and prestigious fishing spots. Whether you prefer trout, pike, or perch fishing, you can have access to some of the most scenic and renowned waters in Scotland. Choose from world-famous locations like Loch Leven, Loch Lomond, Loch Awe, or the Lake of Mentieth. You can fish from their fully equipped
Fish X boats or the fisheries' boats. To book your adventure with Fish X visit their website https://fishx.co.uk/.
Ardbrecknish House offers the perfect base for some of Scotland's best game and coarse fishing. Unfortunately, there is no boat hire on the loch at this time. Permits must be purchased online here https://www.lochawe.net/permits/